Happy Farmer’s Market Week!

Happy Farmer’s Market Week! Have you supported a farmer today? Grab your reusable grocery bag, look up your nearest farmers market and plan a trip. Over the past decade, data from the USDA shows that the number of farmers markets around the country has begun to increase. However, recently, weekly Continue Reading

Fava Beans with Bacon and Mushrooms

Pretty certain I could write a children’s book about how wonderful fava beans are. I love fava beans.  Not only do they have an amazing, nutty flavor and creamy texture, cooking with them is a labour of love. Taking the time to hull, blanch, and de-shell this amazing, nutty, spring time Continue Reading

Cast-Iron Roasted Chicken

Okay, so this one was a BIG experiment!  I wanted delicious, roasted chicken.  But I was feeling lazy.  But not SO lazy that I had to go buy food.  So here’s what I did. Ingredients: 1 cast iron skillet ¼ cup olive oil One leek 4 garlic cloves 2 lemons Continue Reading

Preserving the Harvest: Strawberries

I got my hands on a flat of strawberries and instantly knew that it was time for some preservation projects!! I froze the strawberries, made strawberry vinegar, and strawberry rhubarb jam. Yum! Freezing Strawberries  Slice off strawberry tops.  Lay strawberries in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze Continue Reading

Home-Grown Oyster Mushroom and Leek Gratin

Potato, Leek, Gruyère and Oyster Mushroom Gratin (serves 4 as a side dish) Step 1: Grow your mushrooms!  I bought a mushroom starter kit at the Santa Cruz Fungus Fair.  Within two weeks, little mushrooms began to grow.   Once they sprouted, the mushrooms began doubling in size each day.  One week later, Continue Reading